How to Transfer Domain Names to UKC

transfer-iconTransferring to UKC Makes Sense

Once you have used UKC for a domain name registration you will soon realise that keeping all your domains together under a single registrar will not only save you time but can also save you a considerable sum of money.

Reasons why you should transfer your domains to UKC

  • The renewal costs are lower than your current registrar
  • You receive 1 year extension added to your domain (excludes .UK domains)
  • We do not hold your domains hostage – you can transfer away at any time
  • We do not charge a transfer away fee should you wish to leave
  • You receive free domain parking features for all domains

How much does it cost to transfer to UKC?

This is an important point. We ensure that the transfer in fee is less than renewing your domain with your existing registrar.

  • There is no transfer-in cost for .UK based domain names. Your domain expiry date remains unchanged upon completion.
  • For all other domain extensions the transfer-in cost is equivalent to 1 year renewal – usually much cheaper than renewing with your existing registrar.

Upon completion of transfer your domain name expiry date is extended by 1 year (not .UK domains). So in effect, the transfer is free. It makes sense to transfer your domains to UKC rather than pay more to renew them elsewhere.

How do I transfer my domains to UKC?

The process differs according to the domain extension. There’s a process for .UK domains and a process for all other domains. The guides below will show you how to transfer your domains to your UKC account.

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