MICROLITE2 Plesk 12 Upgrade



As part of our service to you, we strive to provide you with the very latest services, performance and security for your web sites. Our new upgrade schedule will completely replace your hardware and software to the very best available.

“During the period 20th thru 28th April the server hardware and plesk panel will be completely upgraded.”

HARDWARE: The new hardware will improve the performance and reliability of the server. Response times and security will be greatly increased. The server will also be migrated to our new UK datacenter. The old IP address was The new IP address will be

SOFTWARE: The core OS of the new server will be of the latest stable version. PHP, MySQL  and all other features will be of the latest production versions.

PANEL: The Plesk Panel will be upgrade to Plesk 12, the current latest version of Plesk. This will provide the very latest features, functionality and security for your accounts.

ENHANCED SECURITY: The new Security Core combines ModSecurity, CSF, Malware Detect and Fail2Ban with Outbound Antispam and ServerShield™ tools and many features that protect against malicious attacks and site vulnerabilities.

WEBMAIL: AtMail is now replaced with the awesome RoundCube. Your username is in the format name@yourdomain.co.uk. Your passwords are unchanged. If you do have a problem with your mail password simply change it or request support to change it for you.

COST: These are no-cost upgrades, there will be no additional charges to your account.

DOCUMENTATION: Take a look at our Step-by-step Video Tutorials or review the Official User Guide

Notice: Please refrain from making significant changes to your web site during this period. The migration of the data will take many hours. We request that you put off any changes until the upgrade is complete to avoid an inconsistent transfer of your site data.

MICROLITE11 Plesk 12 Upgrade


MICROLITE11.COM – Upgrades

During the period 12th thru 16th April the server hardware and plesk panel will be completely upgraded.

HARDWARE: The new hardware will improve the performance and reliability of the server. Response times and security will be greatly increased. The server will also be migrated to our new UK datacenter. The old IP address was The new IP address will be

SOFTWARE: The core OS of the new server will be of the latest stable version. PHP, MySQL  and all other features will be of the latest production versions.

PANEL: The Plesk Panel will be upgrade to Plesk 12, the current latest version of Plesk. This will provide the very latest features, functionality and security for your accounts.

WEBMAIL: AtMail is now replaced with the awesome RoundCube. Your username is in the format name@yourdomain.co.uk. Your passwords are unchanged. If you do have a problem with your mail password simply change it or request support to change it for you.

COST: These are no-cost upgrades, there will be no additional charges to your account.

Plesk 12 User Guidehttp://download1.parallels.com/Plesk/PP12/12.0/Doc/en-US/online/plesk-customer-guide/

Please refrain from making significant changes to your web site during this period. The migration of the data will take many hours. We request that you put off any changes until Monday to avoid an inconsistent transfer of your site data.

How to: Clear All Firewall Rules

sshAfter (or before) installing CSF, APF or some other IPTABLES based firewall there is often a need to clear all existing rules before starting the firewall otherwise you wun the risk of locking yourself out of the server console.

The following suggestion will clear all IPTABLE firewall rules.

echo "Stopping firewall and allowing everyone..."
iptables -F
iptables -X
iptables -t nat -F
iptables -t nat -X
iptables -t mangle -F
iptables -t mangle -X
iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT

You may find it helpful to have a script on your server ready to run.

How to: Disable SELINUX

sshWhen using Plesk on Centos we’ve found the SELINUX configuration can often cause problems.

First you need to determine if SELINUX is active

cat /selinux/enforce

if 1 then disable it by:

nano /etc/selinux/config

Enter the following:


To disable SELINUX before reboot:

setenforce 0

MICROLITE10 Plesk 12 Upgrade


MICROLITE10.COM – Upgrades

During the weekend 7th/8th/9th February the server hardware and plesk panel will be completely upgraded.

HARDWARE: The new hardware will improve the performance and reliability of the server. Response times and security will be greatly increased. The server will also be migrated to our new UK datacenter. The old IP address was The new IP address will be

SOFTWARE: The core OS of the new server will be of the latest stable version. PHP, MySQL  and all other features will be of the latest production versions.

PANEL: The Plesk Panel will be upgrade to Plesk 12, the current latest version of Plesk. This will provide the very latest features, functionality and security for your accounts.

WEBMAIL: AtMail is now replaced with the awesome RoundCube. Your username is in the format name@yourdomain.co.uk. Your passwords are unchanged. If you do have a problem with your mail password simply change it or request support to change it for you.

COST: These are no-cost upgrades, there will be no additional charges to your account.

Plesk 12 User Guidehttp://download1.parallels.com/Plesk/PP12/12.0/Doc/en-US/online/plesk-customer-guide/

Please refrain from making significant changes to your web site during this period. The migration of the data will take many hours. We request that you put off any changes until Monday to avoid an inconsistent transfer of your site data.UPDATE: 11/02 05:00 – The Plesk 12 migration is complete and live. All files have been migrated. If you suspect your have any missing files, databases or email please log a ticket with the helpdesk with details. The old server will remain online for 7 days and we can re-migrate any accounts during this time.UPDATE: 11/02/07:30 – During the migration process, some customers may have some emails duplicated. This is because during the copy, for caution, we overlapped to ensure no emails were missed. This means some emails may be copied twice. Clients can just delete any unwanted emails if this occurs for them.