I made a mistake on my domain name, can I cancel it?

If you have made an error in your actual domain name then it can not be cancelled unless we have been notified within 10 minutes of your order.

Domain Names can not be cancelled once registered, unfortunately the registrars do not allow this action to take place.

My personal details are showing on my domain name, can I remove them?

Your personal details such as home address, telephone number can be hidden from .uk domains by using the Nominet WHOIS opt out. This is available to all individuals who register a domain name as long as it is not business use.

Your personal details cannot be hidden from any other extension such as .com, .net, .org.

If you have a .uk domain name and wich to activate the WHOIS opt out facility simply login to your Domain Control Panel and update the WHOIS opt-out status to Enabled.

Can I buy a domain name that has expired or been suspended?

Although a domain name may have expired or been suspended or detagged, it is not immediately available for registration by someone else. Depending on the registrar, they may keep hold of the domain name for several months.

Usually .UK domain names become available around 92 days after expiry.

How do I transfer my .uk domain name to UKC?

If your domain name is registered with another domain name provider and you want to transfer your domain name to uk-cheapest.co.uk then simply ask your domain name provider to “Change your IPSTAG to MICROLITE”.

Once your provider acts upon your request the domain name is instantly transferred.

Visit the Name Transfer page to begin the domain transfer process.