How can I log in to my domain name control panel (DCP)?

If your domain name is registered with UK-Cheapest and has not expired or been transferred, then you have the ability to login to your domain control panel.
If you do not have your domain login details, then click cancel on the page above, and follow the links to be able to have the login details emailed out again.
Remember you must enter the email address that was used when the order was placed, and this is the email address the login details will be sent to.
Please note that the Safari browser will not operate the login screen, please use Internet Explorer or another alternative instead.

What are the default domain nameservers?

If you are moving your domain name to UK-Cheapest in order to use our domain name features such as web and email forwarding, etc, then you will need to set your domain nameservers to our defaults as follows,

All parked domain names use these servers. If your domain name is hosted then you should not use the above settings.

What is Fraudulent Invoicing for Domains? (Domain Solicitation)

The following provides answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about the domain name registration solicitation mailings.

What is Fraudulent Invoicing for Domains?

We want to help you prevent your domain name registration from being moved to another company by being tricked into renewing with another provider. If you receive mail that appears to be an invoice, which is in fact a solicitation for business, you may be the target of a fraudulent or false invoicing scheme.

Which companies are making these solicitations?

There are a number of domain registration companies looking to grow their businesses by stealing business from other companies. While we welcome fair competition in the marketplace, some companies believe the best way to win business is to solicit existing domain name registrants from other companies. Wherever possible, these companies will target registrants and trick them into moving their domain registration business. Some companies recently reported to have been involved in this type of activity are:

  • Internet Registry of Canada (IROC)
  • Internet Registry of America (IROA)
  • Domain Registry Of America (DROA)
  • Domain Registry Of Canada (DROC)
  • Verisign/Network Solutions

What should I do to avoid being tricked into transferring my domain away from my current provider?

The best way to combat this is to simply IGNORE all communications regarding your domain name that do NOT come from your current provider.

What can I do if I’m already a victim?

The first thing you should do is contact the payment authority. In all likelihood, these transactions will not be processed if the company is not able to secure payment for the transaction. If you have already sent money to one of these companies, we suggest contacting your bank or credit card company immediately regarding your options to have any payment you may have authorized either stopped or reversed.

How can I help make sure this doesn’t happen to anyone else?

Report the incident to your current provider and the appropriate authorities!! Proactively combating these sorts of unscrupulous business practices is the only way to ensure these companies are stopped. This will not only help you, but all registrants, to enjoy the freedom to choose your provider and to be free from solicitations designed to deceive or trick you. It will also help us aid you in the recovery of your domain.

You host my website, does this mean my domain is registered via UK-Cheapest?

It is quite possible that you bought your domain name from another agent and then changed your domain nameservers to point your domain name to your hosting webspace with UK-Cheapest. In this case the domain name renewals will still be billed by the company that you registered your domain name with initially, and they will retain control of your domain.

If you transferred your domain name to us, then we will be able to update your domain directly, and will invoice renewals directly to you.