All domains are registered in the name of the purchaser unless alternative details are provided during the order process. The domain name is yours until expiry or until your transfer it to another entity.
Can I use my hosting plan for business purposes?
Yes! All of our hosting plans are suitable for commercial services. Most of our clients use their web hosting accounts for their own business and commercial operations.
Can I sell banner ads on my site?
Yes you can. It is a good way to generate income with your hosting plan.
Which directory do I upload my files into?
When connecting to your disk space via FTP, place your files in the /httpdocs/ directory with PLESK Web Hosting packages.
Once my order has been processed, how long does it take before I can use my account?
Your account will be setup and functional within 5 minutes although with domain name registrations you do need to allow time for the DNS to propagate. Access to the control panels is virtually the instant your payment is received.