How do I block the Baiduspider from crawling my site?

How can I stop the Baidu Spider using up my site resources?

Baidu is the most popular search engine in China. It can crawly your site twice as often as Google yet unless your site is in Mandarin, your site is unlikely to benefit from all that crawling.

If you have a busy forum or website with hundreds of pages you may find the the Baidu Spider starting to take up more of your site resources by indexing up to 90 pages every 15 minutes often leaving connections open or failing to close them properly.

You can easily disable the Baidu spider by placing the following in your .htaccess file:

BrowserMatchNoCase Baiduspider bad_bot
Deny from env=bad_bot

Using this method saves you the trouble of having to find blocks of Baidu IP addresses and block them individually.

I just transferred my domain to you but it’s in a new account

The domains are grouped under email primary address.

Did you use a different email address for the transferred in domain than you use under your regular account?

If so, the system cannot link the domains together under one account. If you require, we can simply merge the accounts by changing the email to the one you wish to use.

If you can advise to the Helpdesk the email address you would like applied and the domain name you wish us to modify we can do this right away for you.

Does adding a domain to my multi domain web hosting plan register it to me?

Multi site hosting enables you to host several sites according to your hosting plan however you do first need to register the domain names using the normal registration process first as adding the domain does not register it to you.

You can register domain names at our Domain Registration page.

How do I upload using .NET, do you support dot net?

You must upload using FTP as dot net is not supported.

All of the hosting packages we provide are Linux based. .NET is a Microsoft Technology and will require a Microsoft .NET hosting package.

If you have purchased a Linux based account in error and do indeed require .NET support please contact the Helpdesk and ask for a refund of your account so that you may purchase a suitable package for your requirements.

Categories FTP