What type of domain name is .aero?

.aero – Controlled by SITA INC B.V. (information.aero), it is a gTLD which is reserved for association, agencies, and organization that are related to aviation industry.

Visit our domain page to buy domain names.

What type of domain name is .pro?

.pro – The controlling registry for this ccTLD is RegistryPro and a domain with this extension can only be registered for a business purpose that too by qualified professionals.

Professionals from Internet & information technology, consultants, real estate, financial and accounting, engineers, lawyers, communications, medical are the one’s eligible to register a domain with this extension only after credentials of applicants are self-certified prior to registration.

Visit our domain page to register domains.

What type of domain name is .travel?

.travel – Controlled by the Tralliance Registry Management Company, it is a ccTLD that is restricted to used by websites related to travel industry like travel agents and airlines.

Visit our domain page to buy domains.

What type of domain name is .ph?

.ph – Controlled by the dotPH Domains Inc., it is a ccTLD used for the domains registered by native Philippines.

There is no restriction for registering a domain with this extension.

Visit our domain name registration page to register a domain name.