How do I connect my domain name to Weebly?

To connect your domain name directly to Weebly you will need to edit the DNS A record.

  • Login to the Domain Control Panel if your domain is parked
  • Login to the Plesk Panel and click “DNS Settings” if your domain is hosted
  • Delete the WWW A record
  • Add a new WWW A record with the IP address
  • Save changes

Allow a few hours for the DNS to fully propagate, this change will connect your domain name directly to

How do I connect my domain name to Wix?

To connect your domain name directly to Wix you will need to edit the DNS A record.

  • Login to the Domain Control Panel if your domain is parked
  • Login to the Plesk Panel and click “DNS Settings” if your domain is hosted
  • Delete the WWW A record
  • Add a new WWW A record with the IP address
  • Save changes

Allow a few hours for the DNS to fully propagate, this change will connect your domain name directly to

How do I connect my domain name to Yola?

To connect your domain name directly to Yola you will need to edit the DNS A record.

  • Login to the Domain Control Panel if your domain name is parked
  • Login to the Plesk Panel and click “DNS Settings” if your domain is hosted
  • Delete the WWW A record
  • Add a new WWW A record with the IP address
  • Save changes

Allow a few hours for the DNS to fully propagate, this change will connect your domain name directly to Yola.

Note: Yola may charge you for pointing to their DNS. Check with Yola first for any costs associated with pointing your domain name direct to their services.

Where is email data stored in Plesk?

Re: Where are emails and email files stored in Plesk?

Even though emails account for part of your web space usage, they are actually stored outside of your vhost document root.

You can find all email files here:

# ls -l /var/qmail/mailnames

Each directory relates to a specific POP box, the mailboxes are not grouped by domain or client account.

My domain has expired, can I renew it late?

Re: Forgot to renew domain name, domain past expiry date

Your domain names can be renewed up to 30 days after expiry. After this time, much depends on your domain name type.

For .UK domain names, you can often renew up to 90 days before the domain expires.

For non .UK domain names, the limit is 30 days before the registry take control and potentially auction it off to the highest bidder.

Always renew in good time to avoid accidental loss of your domain name.