How much does it cost to transfer a domain name to UK-Cheapest?

When transferring a UK domain name to UK-Cheapest we do not charge anything, simply ask your existing domain name provider to “Change your IPSTAG to MICROLITE”. There is no cost for this transfer although your domain name provider may make a small admin charge.

If you wish to transfer a .com, .net, .org, .biz or .info domain name to us then there is a transfer charge of £4.99+VAT made by the registry. All is not lost because this also adds a further year to your existing registration period.

Please follow the link below to transfer-in a domain name and to view instructions on to how to transfer your domain name to UK-Cheapest:

Transfer a domain name

How do I change my domain name email forwarding?

How do I setup email forwarding aliases for my domain name?

In an effort to minimise SPAM to your domain name, all email automatically bounces UNLESS you have setup an alias. So, in effect you setup which email addresses will be valid.

1. Login to your domain name control panel
2. On the Features menu on the right, click on “Email Forwarding”
3. In the alias text box on the left type the alias name, eg. “sales”
4. In the destination text box on the right type the target email address eg. “”
5. Now press the “Add” button on the right of the destination email address.
6. Now all email sent to “” will be redirected to “”
7. Add as many aliases as you wish, eg. “info”, “webmaster”, “bob” etc.

For more domain help visit:

Domain Help Centre

How long before I am listed on Google?

First, submit your site to Google here:

Submit your URL to Google

It can take many weeks for Google to index your site.

In the meantime, check that your index page is well optimised for the search engines. Pay special attention to your index page TITLE and DESCRIPTION meta tags.

Take a look at the following page for hints and advice concerning your meta tags.

SEO Help pages

We have some general advice on site optimisation at our Optimisation Tips area:

Site Optimisation tips

Please follow the link below to view Google’s SEO starter guide:

SEO Starter guide

Even with the best optimisation, it is very much hit+miss. The Google ranking algorithm changes very frequently and so any high ranking achieved may only be temporary before the algorithm gives another site a chance at the top.

We wish you the best of luck with your site optimisation.

How does the site builder work?

The Site Builder is a fully online web site building application that can be used to build your website.

Websites built will look professional and no technical knowledge is required to use the application.

The best way to review the Site Builder is to try it out. Click on the following link and then select “Test Drive”:

Test Drive: Site Builder Application

How do I log into my hosting control panel?

To login to your Hosting Control Panel you will need your clientXXXXX username and password from your Hosting Settings email that was sent to you when your order was completed.

Once you have those details, you will need to click on the the control panel URL (listed above your clientXXXXXX username and password on your hosting settings email) and enter your client username and password.

You can receive a replacement copy of your hosting access settings via email using the link below:

Forgotten Password

If you experience any problems logging in, please log a support ticket.