[swfobj src=”https://www.uk-cheapest.co.uk/help/plesk/plesk9_eu_defaultemail.swf” width=”780″ height=”431″]
How to Create a POP Mailbox in Plesk
[swfobj src=”https://www.uk-cheapest.co.uk/help/plesk/plesk9_eu_pop.swf” width=”780″ height=”431″]
How do I backup and restore my files?
UK-Cheapest Web Hosting regularly makes backup copies of information stored on its servers for disaster recovery purposes.
Nevertheless, availability of backups is not guaranteed and we will not be responsible for loss of customer data.
Customers are advised to make regular backups of the information they store on our servers. The Plesk control panel provides tools that facilitate full data backup and restoration.
It is important to make regular backups of your web site hosting account from using the Backup Manager in Plesk. It is also possible to backup your database separately by using the Webadmin tool under the Databases section of your Plesk control panel.
If you have any problems with backing up / restoring your site in Plesk, please submit a ticket to our HelpDesk.
How do I use the file manager?
To use the file manager please review the following guide:
Step-by-step: Using the File Manager
For more information you might find this hosting guide index useful:
How do I install and run a CGI or Perl script?
CGI / Perl scripting support is not included with our Budget hosting plan, however it is included with all our other hosting plans.
To install a CGI / Perl script within Plesk, simply upload the script to your cgi-bin folder, ensure that he script permissions are set to 755 and execute the script in your browser. If your script is valid and the file permissions are correct then your script will run.
CGI / Perl commonly asked questions:
1. What is my path to perl?
2. What is my path to sendmail?
3. May I run custom CGI scripts?
Yes, you may.
4. Can I use perl to talk to my MySQL database?
Yes, as long as you have a hosting package that includes CGI / Perl support.
5. Can I use PHP to connect to my MySQL database?
Yes, you may.
6. What directory must my Perl files reside in?
CGI or Perl scripts must reside in your cgi-bin directory.
7. What is the absolute path to my cgi-bin?
8. How do I reach them from a browser?
9. What directory must my PHP files reside in?
PHP files must reside in your html directory
10. What is the absolute path to my html directory?
11. How do I reach them from a browser?
12. I keep getting internal server error from my Perl script. What does this mean?
Make sure your script was uploaded in ASCII
Make sure the permissions on the files are 755
Make sure the top line of your scripts reads #!/usr/bin/perl
For tutorials and help guides on all aspects related to your hosting account please follow the link below: