How to retrieve lost and forgotten passwords

Forgot or lost your password?

It can happen from time to time. Don’t worry, we will have a copy of your login details winding their way across the internet to your mailbox in no time at all!

We can send a copy of your passwords by email for the following services:

  • Domain name control panel (DCP)
  • Plesk Client Login (your clientXXXXX password)
  • Sitebuilder password

We cannot send the following passwords however you can reset them yourself:

  • FTP details of users you have created
  • Mailbox passwords that you have created
  • Passwords for domain names that you have added to your multi-domain hosting account

Solution: Visit our Forgotten Password page to get a copy on its way to you straight away. This is an automated service, your password will be sent immediately.

Keywords: Forgot password, forgotten password, lost password

How to install and manage web applications

How to Install and Manage Web Applications

Installation of applications such as WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Zen Cart and many more is simple using our integrated installation scripts. Install the respective applications from the Plesk control panel’s application vault (Domains >domain name>Web Applications).

Frequently Asked Questions:

How to install an application on your site:

  1. Go to Domains > domain name > Web Applications. A list of applications installed on your site will be displayed.
  2. Click Add New Application icon in the Tools group.
  3. In the left menu, select a category to which the application you need belongs.
  4. Select the required application in the list, and then click  Install.
  5. Some applications will display a license agreement. Read the license agreement carefully, and if you agree with it, select the I agree check box and click Next >>.
  6. Specify whether you wish to create a hyperlink to the application and place it in the control panel.
  7. Specify the installation preferences and other information that may be required by the application (the requirements may vary among applications). Click Install.
  8. If you have chosen to create a hyperlink button inside your control panel, specify its properties:
    • Type the text that will show on your button in the Button label box.
    • Choose the location for your button. To place it on the domain administration screen (Domains >domain name), select the Domain Administration page value as the location. To place it in the left frame (navigation pane) of your control panel, select the Navigation pane value.
    • Specify the priority of the button. The buttons you create will be arranged on the control panel in accordance with the priority you define: the lower the number – the higher is priority. Buttons are placed in the left-to-right order.
    • To use an image for a button background, type the path to its location or click Browse to browse for the desired file. It is recommended that you use a 16×16 pixels GIF or JPEG image for a button to be placed in the navigation pane, and 32×32 pixels GIF or JPEG image for buttons placed in the main frame.
    • Type the hyperlink to be attached to the button into the URL box.
    • Using the check boxes, specify whether to include the data, such as domain id and domain name to be transferred within the URL. These data can be used for processing by external Web applications.
    • In the Context help tip contents input field, type in the help tip that will be displayed when you hover the mouse pointer over the button.
    • Select the Open URL in the control panel check box if you wish the destination URL to be opened in the control panel’s right frame, otherwise leave this check box unchecked to open the URL in a separate browser window.
    • If you wish to make this button visible to the domain owners and e-mail users who you granted access to control panel, select the Visible to all sub-logins check box.
  9. Click OK to complete creation.

Now the application is installed and you can insert a link to this application into the Web pages of your site, for example, on your home page. Otherwise, you and your users will have to access this application by typing its URL, which can be too long to remember.

To access the Web interface of an application, do any of the following:

  • Type the URL in your browser. For example:
  • Go to Domains > domain name > Web Applications, and click an icon 2, corresponding to the application you need.
  • If you chose to add a hyperlink button to your Parallels Plesk Panel during installation of an application, then click the respective button on the domain administration screen (Domains > domain name) or navigation pane.

To reconfigure an application, change the application administrator’s password, or to install a license key for a commercial application:

  1. Go to Domains > domain name > Web Applications.
  2. Сlick an icon corresponding to the application.

To upgrade an application to a newer version (if it is available on the server):

  1. Go to Domains > domain name > Web Applications.
  2. Click a corresponding shortcut in the U column.

To uninstall an application:

  1. Go to Domains > domain name > Web Applications, and select a check box corresponding to the application that you no longer need.
  2. Click Remove, confirm the removal and click OK. The application will be uninstalled and its databases removed from the server.

If you want a certain Web application to be started when someone visits the site, it can be done by creating a default domain application.

That’s all there is to it! If you have any problems simply contact the Helpdesk for further assistance,

How to set up your first mailbox (POP) in Plesk

Setting up your first Mailbox

Setting up email for your Hosting account can appear a daunting task, especially if its your first time. This easy to follow guide will show you how to set up your first Mailbox which you can use to send and receive email using our excellent AtMail Webmail service.

Once you have a Mailbox you can send/receive email from your account, you can move on to more advanced client setup such as Microsoft Outlook or Windows Mail later, our objective here is to get you up and running and fast and simply as possible.

We are going to setup a Mailbox named “elvis” for the domain name ““. We will be able to send and receive email from this email address by the end of this short guide.

  1. First we need to create a Mailbox named “elvis”. We do this within your Hosting Control Panel. Log in to your Hosting Control Panel using the details provided in your Hosting Account Settings email. eg:
  2. Login with your “client?????” username and password. eg: client99999, password pop2drop
  3. Click on “Create Mail Account”.
  4. Enter “elvis” for Mail account name and also enter your own password, for example, we will use “aaron123“. Use another name if your name isn’t Elvis.
  5. That’s it – you can use this Mailbox to send and receive immediately by opening your domain name with the prefix “webmail” in your browser, eg:
  6. You will now be able to send and receive from “” using AtMail webmail.

See other related guides:

That’s all there is to it! If you have any problems simply contact the Helpdesk for further assistance,