This video tutorial will show you how to manage site settings using CuteFTP.
[swfobj src=” – CuteFTP/cuteftp_manage.swf” width=”780″ height=”431″]
This video tutorial will show you how to manage site settings using CuteFTP.
[swfobj src=” – CuteFTP/cuteftp_manage.swf” width=”780″ height=”431″]
This video tutorial will show you how to upload your site using CuteFTP.
[swfobj src=” – CuteFTP/cuteftp_configure.swf” width=”780″ height=”431″]
FrontPage is now a deprecated application, you are unlikely to find modern services offering full FrontPage HTTP support. However, you can use FrontPage on any server when uploading using FrontPage FTP.
To upload your site using FrontPage FTP:
1) Open FrontPage
2) Click on File -> Publish Site
3) Click on “Remote Website Properties”
4) Select the “FTP” option
5) Set the FTP address to
6) Enter /httpdocs as the remote folder
7) Your username, password and FTP address will have been provided in your hosting login settings email
This video tutorial will show you how to setup a POP mailbox account in Outlook Express.
[swfobj src=”” width=”780″ height=”431″]
Forgot or lost your password?
It can happen from time to time. Don’t worry, we will have a copy of your login details winding their way across the internet to your mailbox in no time at all!
We can send a copy of your passwords by email for the following services:
We cannot send the following passwords however you can reset them yourself:
Solution: Visit our Forgotten Password page to get a copy on its way to you straight away. This is an automated service, your password will be sent immediately.
Keywords: Forgot password, forgotten password, lost password