How much does it cost to transfer a .uk domain name from uk-cheapest?

When you register a domain name we provide it with free email and web forwarding.

There are no costs to change the forwarding options neither are there any costs to change the nameservers.

There should not be any need to transfer your domain name away from uk-cheapest as you are free to use it with any host of your choosing without additional costs.

If you insist that you wish to transfer your .uk domain name domain name away from uk-cheapest (by changing the IPSTAG) there is currently a one-off admin charge of £4.99+VAT. You simply login to your Domain Control Panel and action this change from there.

How much does it cost to transfer a com, net or org domain name from uk-cheapest?

It is not necessary to transfer your domain name to another provider in order to use their hosting service.

Simply apply the domain nameservers related to your hosting account (as supplied by your hosting service provider) to your domain name and this will point your domain name to your external hosting account.

If in the event you do want to fully transfer the domain name to another provider (thus making them responsible for your domain renewals) please see the following page for assistance with transfer costs and charges:

I’ve uploaded my website but I just get a Forbidden error message

The forbidden error message is usually given when there is no index.html or index.htm file present in a directory.

Make sure that you upload your index file correctly. As soon as you upload your index.htm or index.html file the Forbidden error message will no longer show.

Make sure that your index.html or index.htm file is in lowecase, a file named “Index.htm” (uppercase ‘i’) is not the same as “index.htm” (lowercase ‘i’) and will still result in the “Forbidden” error message. Filenames are case sensitive.

If you do have an index file in place then the problem may be related to the mod_security rules on your server. A 403 Frobidder error can usually be resolved by removing mod_security. Contact the Helpdesk to disable this service.

My web pages used to be listed in Google and now they are not

Each time Google update the database of web pages (about once a month), the index shifts. If your site was dropped from Google and you have not made major changes to it in the last month, Google will likely pick it up again in the next index. It’s possible your site was simply inaccessible when the robots tried to crawl it.

You may want to check and see if the number of other sites linking to your URL has decreased. This is the single biggest factor in determining what sites are indexed by Google, as we find most pages when our robots crawl the web and jump from page to page via hyperlinks. To find out who links to your site, use Google’s link: tool.

It’s also possible your rank decreased because other sites were found and assigned a higher rank. You can be assured that no one at Google has hand adjusted the results to boost the ranking of a site. Google’s order of results is automatically determined by several factors, including the PageRank algorithm. Please check out Google’s “Technology Overview page for more information on how this works.

Excerpt taken from Google Webmaster Info