How much are domain names to register?

Bulk Registration Cost

Initial Registration Cost

  • All . UK domain names when purchased with premium level hosting are FREE of registration costs for 2 years.
  • All .UK domain names when purchased alone cost £2.97 / year for the first 2 years.
  • All non.UK domain names when purchased alone cost £8.97 / year for the first registration period.

What is all the text inside the Domain Name forwarding frame?

Within the Frame which we provide to you for your domain forwarding is mainly the Meta Tags coding, this allows you to add a Title Description and Keywords Tag to your domain Frame.
We also include a section providing our website address, this is not picked up by the engines and so will not be indexed for your website, but is useful if there are any questions in relation to issues with your domain name for people to be able to contact us.
The Frame itself is not editable.

How often is Hosting due for renewal?

You will begin to receive renewal notices 28 days before your hosting account expires. This will continue until the day of expiry. At this point your account will be suspended.

Following the next 7 days your account will be entirely removed from our servers.

Please ensure you always keep your email address up to date with us, otherwise you will not receive the renewal reminder.

Is the Site Builder charge a one-off cost?

The Site Builder purchase is a annual fee, of course you are not forced to renew the service if you do not wish to do so. We will send out your renewal email prior to expiry of your services.

Your service will not auto-renew upon its due date, if you do not wish to renew, simply select the cancel option within the renewal email to stop further renewal reminders.

You will not lose time by renewing early, and so you may also select the renew now option to renew via a different card.

If you later choose to renew your account after it has expired, then the renewal will start from the date that renewal was actually due, not the date of renewal.

It is advised to renew your services prior to the day that your service expires, otherwise if for some reason you do not renew on that day then your service will be deleted the next day!

If you later decide that you wish to purchase the Site Builder again, then there is no way to import your current site back into the Site Builder.

Please ensure you always keep your email address up to date with us, otherwise you will not receive renewal reminders.

How can I log in to my domain name control panel (DCP)?

If your domain name is registered with UK-Cheapest and has not expired or been transferred, then you have the ability to login to your domain control panel.
If you do not have your domain login details, then click cancel on the page above, and follow the links to be able to have the login details emailed out again.
Remember you must enter the email address that was used when the order was placed, and this is the email address the login details will be sent to.
Please note that the Safari browser will not operate the login screen, please use Internet Explorer or another alternative instead.