Can I create my own nameservers for my domain? (Glue Records)

You can create your own nameservers based on your domain name if you wish.
For example if your domain was,
Then you can create
You will also have to ensure that you have correctly appointed each nameserver its own unique IP Address (eg.
If the nameserver is not set up correctly by you on your server, then when you request a nameserver update, then the registry will reject your update and leave your nameserver settings as they are currently.

I am having trouble uploading Images to my Site Builder

If you are having trouble uploading images to your Site Builder account, please ensure that the image you are uploading does not contain any spaces in its name and is in lowercase lettering, for example,

Bad image name.Jpg


Also the problem could be that your images are too large and have not been resized.

Nowadays, many people upload photos from their digital cameras. As these photos get larger in size, they also become heavier and heavier in file size. Some of these images can even be many megabytes in size.

Many new webmasters are not aware that these large images take quite a long time to download when they are placed on a website. It is a common mistake to simply upload these large files and then use your local web design tool to re-size an image to size it. Even though the image displays smaller, it does not change the file size of the source image.

Here is an example:

Link 1 (Loading Slow) – This is what it looks like when a large image is resized with HTML.

Link 2 (Loading Properly) – And this is what it looks like when the image is resized before being uploaded.

To fix this, you will need to resize your images in a graphics editor (ie. Photoshop Elements, MS Paint, Gimp) before you upload the image.

Here are some links to popular image editing software:

Download 1 – PIXresizer is a photo resizing program to easily create web and e-mail friendly versions of your images with reduced file sizes

Download 2 – GIMP is a free image manipulation tool that is little tougher to use, but has almost the same feature set as Photoshop

How much email can the Webmail hold?

Your webmail (AtMail) is not designed to hold all of your email forever, you ideally should download your email to your local computer when you have a chance.
Webmail is ideal for if you need to check for emails when away from your usual pc, or out of the country.
The more email that you store within your webmail will limit the speed for accessing your email, and also this amount counts towards your disk space site usage.

Where will my domain email forward to as default?

As default, email sent to your domain name will be lost until you set up your Email Forwarding via your domain login area.
It will take a short time for the setting to update once you do set this forwarding up.

Where will my domain web forward to as default?

If you have not yet set up your Web Forwarding for your domain name, then as default it will forward to the UK-Cheapest Holding Page.
You can change this by entering the web address that you wish your domain name to forward to within your domain login area.