How do I upload with Serif Products?

If you have used a Serif product to design your website, then it is very likely that you will not be able to upload to your webspace correctly.
Instead follow the guidelines below.
In Serif, select, File > Publish to > File Folder, then choose to save All Files to your preferred destination (we suggest initially a new empty folder).
Next, using FileZilla (downloadable from our Help page), connect to your web server account, and your new folder you created above.
Now, upload all your files from within this folder on your pc, to the root folder on your web server account.
Your web files are now uploaded.
Categories FTP

I receive an error message on trying to Publish using Sitebuilder

If you are receiving an error message when you try to publish from your Site Builder account, then it may be that you have updated your Hosting password since your Site Builder was set up.
If you have done this, then you will either need to either,
a) notify us of the new password, so that we can update the ftp details held within your site builder account, or,
b) change your hosting password back and then publish your site.
If your updates are urgent, then we suggest that you choose option “b” above.

My server / web site / email is not working, I think the server is down

If you suspect your server is down affecting all services such as your website and email please check below before you log a support ticket.
All server outages (planned and unplanned) are detailed and updated at our Service Status page below:
If you are experiencing a problem that does not appear to be details on the Service Status page then you must submit a ticket to the Help Desk for further enquiry.
If the problem is serious and does concern a server outage (or your servier is down for an unknown reason) then you can rest assured that our engineers are working on the problem before you noticed the loss of service.
Plannned outages are usually at weekends during the early hours to ensure minimal prime time loss of operations.

Site, Data and mySQL Database Backup

UK-Cheapest Web Hosting regularly makes backup copies of information stored on its servers for disaster recovery purposes.

Nevertheless, availability of backups is not guaranteed and we will not be responsible for loss of customer data.

Customers are advised to make regular backups of the information they store on our servers. Our Control Panel provides tools that facilitate full data backup and restoration.

It is important to make regular backups of your web site hosting account from using your Hosting Control Panel Backup facility. It is also possible to backup your database separately by using the Database Administration Tool under the mySQL section of your hosting control panel.

Vistit the page below for more information on how to backup/restore your hosting account or MySQL database: