How do I change my nameservers?

Changing domain nameservers is a common task and something you will need to do at some point during the life of your domain name. For this reason, we have made it as easy as possible!

Reasons why you may need to change your domain nameservers:

  • Your domain was parked and you want to host it
  • Your domain was hosted but now you want it parked
  • Your domain was transferred in from another provider and you want to use our parking services

First, you need to have your Domain Control Panel login details, this is absolutely necessary in order to navigate to the Nameserver Change function.

If you do not have your Domain Control Panel login details, to to the Forgotten Password page and request a copy of your details and a copy will be sent to the email address used when you registered your domain name. If this email address is out of date or no longer used, you will have to log a ticket with the Helpdesk.

Right, for those of you who have your Domain Control Panel login details, the rest of the process is simple.

  • Login to the Domain Control Panel (DCP)
  • Click ‘Change Nameservers’
  • Enter your new nameservers
  • Press submit to action your request

Your nameservers will be changed immediately however due to DNS propagation times it will take up to 72 hours to fully take effect.

How do I change my domain IPSTAG to another provider?

There is nothing preventing you from transferring your domain name to another provider however this is usally not necessary. Only .UK domain names have IPSTAGs.

If you really do want to change your IPSTAG, you need to login to your Domain Control Panel and select “Change IPSTAG” to transer out your domain name.

You will need to know your new domain providers IPSTAG and enter it carefully.

Login to the Domain Control Panel (DCP) to change your IPSTAG.

Alternatively, you can contact Nominet directly who will also make the IPSTAG change at a cost of £10+VAT per UK domain.

See Nominet Change Registrar for further details.

How do I log into the Plesk Control Panel?

Re: How to log in to the Plesk Panel, Managing your Web Hosting account

All the functions and features of your Web Hosting account can be accessed and managed through Plesk, the award winning panel for web hosting platforms.

First locate the email that you will have received and placing your web hosting order that contains your web hosting settings.

To log in to your Parallels Plesk Panel:

  1. Open your Web browser, and in the address bar type the URL where your Parallels Plesk Panel is located.For example,, where is the domain name of your Web host.
  2. Press ENTER. Parallels Plesk Panel login screen will open.
  3. Type the login name and password your provider gave you into the Login and Password boxes, respectively.
  4. If you log in for the first time, select the language for your control panel from the Interface language drop-down box. If you had previously specified the interface language and saved it in your interface preferences, leave the User default value selected.
  5. Click Login.
If you are unable to login to your panel or may have forgotten your username of password, visit the forgotten password page to have the details sent automatically to your registered email address.

How do I improve my Google Ranking?

Now your site is listed, you can work on improving your site ranking. This is not an exact science as Google does not disclose the algorithm it uses to determine your site ranking however here are some links that you might find helpful:
We hope this information helps.

Why cant I see my website after uploading?

If you can not see your website after uploading it then this could be down to one of the following common reasons,
a) If this is a new account, then your domain name can take up to 72 hours to fully connect to your hosting account.
b) If your domain name is parked with another company, maybe you have not updated the nameservers as advised when you ordered your hosting.
c) Your home page is not uploaded as index.html
d) You did not include the root folder of /var/www/html/ for Ensim servers and /httpdocs for Plesk within your ftp program prior to uploading.
e) Your computer is loading a cached version of your website, try entering the full home page
Please check the above prior to raising a ticket.