Which web hosting control panel do you use?

Starting from 2010, we switched to Parallel’s Plesk web hosting control panel software for our new server range. Plesk is currently the best web hosting control panel on the market giving high performance, security and flexilibity.

Previously we used Ensim Pro which is now part of Parallels. The best features of Ensim Pro are now built into Plesk and moving forward, Plesk has replaced the Ensim Pro system. Many of our clients still use Ensim Pro, it is still a great control panel. However, unless specificially requested, all new web hosting accounts will be set up on our Plesk server range.

Are banners and ads displayed on my site?

It is common for low cost, cheap and free web hosting service providers to place banners or ads on your website, they use the revenue generated from the displaying or such banners and ads to recoup the cost to provide the service.

The problem with this methodology is that your site will look unprofessional, also you have no control over the types of advertisements shown on your site.

At UK-Cheapest,co.uk, we do not display any banners or advertisements on your site. In fact, we do not meddle with your code at all. What you see is exactly as you uploaded and nothing more.

phpMyAdmin doesn’t load when I click on the icon in Plesk

A common problem when attempting to launch Webadmin is your browser Popup Blocker. The Webadmin application opens in a popup window so you must ensure that pop-ups are enabled for your browser.

If you find that clicking on the “Webadmin” button does nothing, then this is the problem, use the guide below to temporarily disable your browser popup blocker.

To disable the Popup blocker in Internet Explorer

  1. Open Internet Explorer and select the Tools option.
  2. In the window that displays, click on the Internet Options option.
  3. Click on the Privacy tab
  4. Uncheck Turn on Popup blocker
  5. Click on Ok to save your preferences
  6. Close the window

To disable the Popup blocker in Firefox

  1. Open the Firefox menu and select the Tools option.
  2. In the window that displays, click on the Content option.
  3. Remove the checkmark from the Block pop-up windows option.
  4. Close the window

To disable the Popup blocker in Chrome

  1. Open the Chrome Tools menu and select the Options option.
  2. In the window that displays, click on the Under the bonnet tab.
  3. Click on the Content Settings button
  4. Click on the Pop-ups tab
  5. Select Allow sites to show pop-ups then press Close
  6. Close the windows

To disable the Popup blocker in Safari

  1. Open the Safari menu and select the Preferences option.
  2. In the window that displays, click on the Security option.
  3. Remove the checkmark from the Block pop-up windows option.
  4. Close the window

That’s all there is to it! If you have any problems simply contact the Helpdesk for further assistance,

How can I customise my PHP.INI file?

There are times when you will need to modify some settings the in the default PHP.INI file. When using Plesk, the PHP.INI file is shared however you have control over many of the common PHP flags – it is a little technical though.

First, you need to create a .htaccess file in your document root (/httpdocs), it is within this file that you add your custom PHP flags, here’s some examples:

To switch off register globals: php_flag register_globals off

To switch on magic quotes: php_flag magic_quotes_gpc on

You can do this with most PHP flags, if you have any problems simply contact the Helpdesk for further assistance,

How do I change the default session.save_path?

There are times when you will need to modify the defaultsession.save_path which is hard coded into your PHP confguration. When using Plesk, the PHP.INI file is shared however you have control over many of the flags.

First, you need to create a .htaccess file in your document root (/httpdocs), it is within this file that you add your custom PHP session save path flag, eg:

php_value session.save_path “/var/www/vhosts/yourdomainname.co.uk/httpdocs/tmp”

This flag would set the session save path to your /httpdocs/tmp folder, simply ensure this folder exists. If you are manually installing Joomla you may need to change the session.save_path. We recommend that you use the Joomla installation script found under “Web Applications” in your hosting control panel as this automatically sets the sessions.save_path.